Rabu, 05 Juni 2013


Passive Participle/ Present Participle (V3)
ð  Digunakan untuk menerangkan orang/ benda yang dikenai pekerjaan.
Orang/ Benda+ V3+ P+ O
           S                       V/BE
S+ P+ Orang/ Benda+ V3
  V/BE                    O

a)      The computer used by Rina is expensive.
b)      I like the car sold in the showroom.
1.       Untuk menggantikan Adjective Clause “WHO/ WHICH”
Ø  Adj Clause: Orang/ benda+ Who/ Which+ V3/ be
Ø  Pass Participle: Orang/ benda+ V3

Ex: I have a dress. It was made by mother.
Adj Clause           : I have a dress which made by mother
Pass Participle   : I have a dress made by mother

Ex: The man was killed in the field. He is my uncle.
Adj Clause           : the man who was killed in the field is my uncle
Pass Participle   : the man killed in the field is my uncle

2.       Untuk menggantikan kalimat yang menggunakan kata sambung “Because/ As/ For/ Since”
Pattern:       V3+ S+ V1+ O
Ex: because the fllower are watered everyday, they look fresh. è Watered everyday, they look fresh.
Ex: because she is given money by her parents, she is happy. èGiven money by her parents, she is happy.

3.       Menggantikan “WHEN/ WHILE”
Ex: when the bird is shot by hunter, it is on the tree. èShot by the hunter, it(the bird) is on the tree.

4.       Menggantikan “AFTER”
Ex: after she had been given money by the parents, she went to the minimarket. èGiven by her parents, she went to the minimarket

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