Rabu, 05 Juni 2013



o   150 g tempe
o   2 tablespoon fried shallots
o   3 kaffir lime leaves
o   1 tablespoon flour
o   1 egg
o   1 cup vegetable oil

Spice paste:

·         3 large chilies, seed removed
·         3 small chilies
·         2 red shallots
·         2 cloves garlic
·         ½ teaspoon chopped galangal
·         1 candle nut
·         ½ teaspoon coriander seeds
·         ½ teaspoon salt
·         ¼ teaspoon shrimp paste

1.       Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it resembles coarse bread crumbs.
2.       Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend to a smooth paste.
3.       Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg.
4.       Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.
5.       Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the soil is hot, drop the fritters into the oil, five or six at a time.
6.       Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with rice.

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